Coastal Boundary Surveys

Coastal Boundary Surveys

What are they?

The Texas Natural Resource Code states that a Coastal Boundary Survey is a survey that evidences the location of the shoreline of a body of tidally influenced water that existed prior to the commencement of any erosion response activity. In more simple terms the State of Texas wants to know where the boundary to State-owned submerged land is located before any kind of work is done that may artificially move the shore line. It involves locating either the Mean High Water line or the Mean Higher High Water line of the body of water being affected, and documenting its location. This survey is filed in both the County the property is located in, as well as, the Archives of the Texas General Land Office.
Aerial View Of Sandy Beach — Galveston, TX — High Tide Surveying

When do I need a Coastal Boundary Survey?

The key phrase is “Erosion Response Activity,” which is defined in the Texas Natural Resource Code, Chapter 33, Section 136 (f), as beach nourishment, sediment management, beneficial use of dredged material, construction of breakwaters, dune creation or enhancement, or revegetation. In essence, if you are doing any kind of project near the shoreline of a tidally influenced body of water you will need to file a Coastal Boundary Survey.

Our approach

As High Tide is the name of our company, we are experts in this type of service. In order to perform these types of surveys, the State of Texas requires a Licensed State Land Surveyor, which is an additional certification not held by many Surveyors. We have in house all of the specialized equipment necessary to get these types of surveys done as fast as possible. In fact, on numerous occasions, the staff of High Tide Surveying has been asked to teach other surveyors how to do these types of surveys.
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